ST Mellitus College Prospectus


St Mellitus College is widely thought to be one of the most innovative and exciting places to study theology, ministry and mission in the UK.

They currently have over 700 students studying across five teaching centres, including more than 300 ordinands in training, over 200 undergraduates and postgraduates students following accredited programmes, and a number of people engaging with introductory and non-accredited courses in theology.

They champion equality and diversity and stay true to their vision and mission.

I was asked to design the new prospectus. Using their existing brand tools but in a completely different way I was able to refresh the brand and tune it towards their target audience bringing a brand new lease of life to their image

Design that works is not about following ‘what’s trending’ from somewhere else. That has no relevance to your brand in solving the problem you want solved. Understanding the audience and what a brand must look and sound like to gain trust, connection and be relevant to your audience is the solution.

The last image shows how elements of the prospectus can be lifted to create new combinations of the brand identity to use across social media building brand coherency across all points of contact.